Upgrading from old version
1. Backup:
You must backup your website (files and database) before upgrading: backup database + all sub folders of "images/". (VERY IMPORTANT)
2. Upload: Upload all files to your host overwrite the old ones. You can also delete old ones on your host and reupload the new ones. However, you mustn't delete folder "images" because it stores all images of articles, logos,...
3. File permissions:
Chmod 777 the following files and folders:
+ ./cache/html (for html caching files) + ./cache/php (for php caching files) + ./images/articles (for article images) + ./images/events (for events) + ./images/faqs (for faqs) + ./images/logos (for logos) + ./images/newslt_issues (for newsletter) + ./images/pictures (for news pictures) + ./upload (for temporary files) + ./htaccess (May be hidden. Please view hidden files.) + ./config.php + ./install.lock
4. Run program:
Open file "install/install.php" on your web browser (Ex: http://www.yourdomain.com/news_path/install/install.php), choose "Upgrade from..." instead of "News Installation", complete all fields and start install.
5. Finish:
After upgrading the script, please chmod 644 these files for security:
./config.php ./install.lock